Source code for planetmagfields.planet

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from .libdata import get_data
from .libgauss import filt_Gauss,getB, get_spec
from .libbfield import getBr
from .plotlib import plotSurf, plot_spec
from .utils import stdDatDir, planetlist

[docs] class Planet: """ Planet class The Planet class contains all information about a planet. It contains arrays of Gauss coefficients, glm and hlm, the maximum spherical harmonic degree lmax to which data is available, and also computes and stores the (optionally filtered) radial magnetic field at a surface and the Lowes spectrum. """ def __init__(self,name='earth',model=None,year=None, r=1.0,nphi=256,datDir=stdDatDir,unit='muT',info=True): """ Initialization of the Planet class. Parameters ---------- name : str, optional Name of the planet, by default 'earth' r : float, optional Radial level to compute and plot field on, scaled by the planetary radius, by default 1.0 nphi : int, optional Number of points in longitude, number of points in colatitude are automatically set to half this number, by default 256 datDir : str, optional Data directory, where the Gauss coefficient data is present, named as <planetname>.dat, the standard directory is ./data, by default stdDatDir unit : str, optional Units of magnetic field, can be 'nT', 'muT' or 'Gauss' for nanoTeslas, microTeslas and Gauss, respectively. By default, 'muT' info : bool, optional If True, prints some information about the planet, by default True """ = name.lower() self.nphi = nphi self.ntheta = nphi//2 self.unit = unit if self.unit.lower() == 'mut': self.unitfac = 1e-3 self.unitlabel = '$\mu$T' elif self.unit.lower() == 'nt': self.unitfac = 1. self.unitlabel = 'nT' elif self.unit.lower() == 'gauss': self.unitfac = 1e-5 self.unitlabel = 'Gauss' #Automatic selection of latest model if model is None: if =='earth': model = 'igrf14' elif =='mercury': model = 'wardinski2019' elif == 'jupiter': model = 'jrm33' elif == 'saturn': model = 'cassini11+' elif == 'uranus': model = 'connerny1987' elif == 'neptune': model = 'connerny1991' elif == 'ganymede': model = 'kivelson2002' self.model = model if year is None: self.year = 2020 else: self.year = year if not in planetlist: print("Planet must be one of the following!") print(planetlist) self.datDir = datDir self.glm, self.hlm, self.lmax, self.idx, self.mmax = get_data(self.datDir,, model = self.model, year=self.year) self.p2D, self.th2D, self.Br, self.dipTheta, self.dipPhi = getBr(self,r=r, nphi=self.nphi, ntheta=self.ntheta, info=info) self.Br *= self.unitfac self.phi = self.p2D[:,0] self.theta = self.th2D[0,:] self.r = r
[docs] def plot(self,r=None,levels=30,cmap='RdBu_r', proj='Mollweide',vmin=None,vmax=None): """ Plots the radial magnetic field of a planet at a radial surface. Parameters ---------- r : float, optional Radial surface for plot, by default 1 levels : int, optional Number of contour levels, by default 30 cmap : str, optional Colormap for contours, by default 'RdBu_r' proj : str, optional Map projection, by default 'Mollweide' vmin : float, optional Minimum of colorscale, by default None vmax : float, optional Maximum of colorscale, by default None Returns ------- None """ plt.figure(figsize=(12,6.75)) if r is None: r = self.r if r == self.r: ax,cbar,proj = plotSurf(self.p2D,self.th2D,self.Br, levels=levels,cmap=cmap,proj=proj, vmin=vmin,vmax=vmax) else: self.p2D, self.th2D, self.Br, self.dipTheta, self.dipPhi = \ getBr(planet=self,r=r,info=False) self.r = r self.Br *= self.unitfac ax,cbar,proj = plotSurf(self.p2D,self.th2D,self.Br, levels=levels,cmap=cmap,proj=proj, vmin=vmin,vmax=vmax)'Radial magnetic field (%s)' %self.unitlabel,fontsize=25) if r==1: radLabel = ' Surface' else: radLabel = r' $r/r_{\rm surface}=%.2f$' %r if proj.lower() != 'hammer' and == 'earth': ax.coastlines() if r==1: radLabel = ' Surface' else: radLabel = r' $r/r_{\rm surface}=%.2f$' %r title = + radLabel if == 'earth': title = title + ', %d' %self.year ax.set_title(title,fontsize=25,pad=20) plt.tight_layout()
[docs] def extrapolate(self,rout): """Potential extrapolation of the magnetic field Parameters ---------- rout : array_like Array of radial levels Returns ------- None Assigns three arrays self.br_ex,self.btheta_ex,self.bphi_ex to the planet class for radial, colatitudinal and azimuthal components of the extrapolated field, respectively. """ from .potextra import get_pol_from_Gauss, extrapot # Create poloidal potential from glm and glm bpol = get_pol_from_Gauss(,self.glm,self.hlm, self.lmax,self.mmax,self.idx) self.br_ex,self.btheta_ex,self.bphi_ex \ = extrapot(bpol,self.idx,self.lmax,self.mmax,1,rout,self.nphi) self.br_ex *= self.unitfac self.btheta_ex *= self.unitfac self.bphi_ex *= self.unitfac
[docs] def orbit_path(self,r,theta,phi): """Extrapolates the magnetic field along an orbit trajectory. Assigns objects self.br_orb, self.btheta_orb, self.bphi_orb which are extrpolated values of radial, co-latitudinal and azimuthal components of the magnetic field, respectively. Parameters ---------- r : array_like Array of radial distances theta : array_like Array of co-latitudes in radians phi : array_like Array of longitudes in radians """ from .potextra import get_pol_from_Gauss, get_field_along_path bpol = get_pol_from_Gauss(,self.glm,self.hlm, self.lmax,self.mmax,self.idx) self.br_orb,self.btheta_orb,self.bphi_orb=\ get_field_along_path(bpol,self.idx,self.lmax,self.mmax, 1,r,theta,phi) self.br_orb *= self.unitfac self.btheta_orb *= self.unitfac self.bphi_orb *= self.unitfac
[docs] def writeVtsFile(self,potExtra=False,ratio_out=2,nrout=32,r_planet=1): """ Writes an unstructured vtk (.vts) file for 3D visualization. Uses the SHTns library for potential extrapolation and the pyevtk library for writing the vtk file. Parameters ---------- potExtra : bool, optional Whether to use potential extrapolation, by default False ratio_out : int, optional Radial level to which the magnetic field needs to be upward continued, scaled to planetary radius, by default 2 nrout : int, optional Number of radial grid levels, by default 32 r_planet : float, optional Radius of planet to get coordinates in dimensional units Returns ------- None """ from .potextra import writeVts rout = np.linspace(1,ratio_out,nrout) if potExtra: self.extrapolate(rout) brout = self.br_ex btout = self.btheta_ex bpout = self.bphi_ex else: brout = self.Br btout = np.zeros_like(self.Br) bpout = np.zeros_like(self.Br) writeVts(,brout,btout,bpout,rout,self.theta,self.phi,r_planet)
## Filtered plots
[docs] def plot_filt(self,r=1.0,larr=None,marr=None,lCutMin=0,lCutMax=None,mmin=0,mmax=None, levels=30,cmap='RdBu_r',proj='Mollweide', vmin=None,vmax=None,iplot=True): """ Plots a filtered radial magnetic field at a radial level. Filters can be set using specific values of degree and order of spherical harmonics given through the arrays larr and marr or by providing a range using lCutMin, lCutMax and mmin, mmax. Parameters ---------- r : float, optional Radial level for plot, scaled to planetary radius, by default 1 larr : array_like, optional Array of spherical harmonic degrees, if None, uses lmax, by default None marr : array_like, optional Array of spherical harmonic orders, if None, uses lmax, by default None lCutMin : int, optional Minimum spherical harmonic degree to retain, by default 0 lCutMax : int, optional Maximum spherical harmonic degree to retain, if None, uses lmax, by default None mmin : int, optional Minimum spherical harmonic order to retain, by default 0 mmax : int, optional Maximum spherical harmonic degree to retain, if None, uses lmax, by default None levels : int, optional Number of contour levels, by default 30 cmap : str, optional Colormap for contours, by default 'RdBu_r' proj : str, optional Map projection, by default 'Mollweide' vmin : float, optional Minimum of colorscale, by default None vmax : float, optional Maximum of colorscale, by default None iplot: logical, optional Flag for producing a plot, by default True Returns ------- None """ self.larr_filt = larr self.marr_filt = marr self.lCutMin = lCutMin self.lCutMax = lCutMax self.mmin_filt = mmin self.mmax_filt = mmax if self.lCutMax is None: self.lCutMax = self.lmax if self.mmax_filt is None: self.mmax_filt = self.lmax self.r_filt = r self.glm_filt,self.hlm_filt =\ filt_Gauss(self.glm,self.hlm,self.lmax,self.mmax,self.idx,larr=self.larr_filt, marr=self.marr_filt,lCutMin=self.lCutMin,lCutMax=self.lCutMax, mmin=self.mmin_filt,mmax=self.mmax_filt) self.Br_filt = getB(self.lmax,self.mmax,self.glm_filt,self.hlm_filt, self.idx,self.r_filt,self.p2D,self.th2D, self.Br_filt *= self.unitfac if iplot: plt.figure(figsize=(12,6.75)) ax,cbar,proj = plotSurf(self.p2D,self.th2D,self.Br_filt,levels=levels, cmap=cmap,proj=proj,vmin=vmin,vmax=vmax) if r==1: radLabel = ' Surface' else: radLabel = r' $r/r_{\rm surface}=%.2f$' %r if self.larr_filt is not None: elllabel = r', $l = %s$' %str(self.larr_filt) else: if self.lCutMin > 0: if self.lCutMax < self.lmax: elllabel = r', $ %d \leq l \leq %d$' %(self.lCutMin,self.lCutMax) else: elllabel = r', $l \geq %d$' %self.lCutMin elif self.lCutMax < self.lmax: elllabel = r', $l \leq %d$' %self.lCutMax if self.marr_filt is not None: elllabel += r', $m = %s$' %str(self.marr_filt) else: if self.mmin_filt > 0: if self.mmax_filt < self.lmax: elllabel += r', $ %d \leq m \leq %d$' %(self.mmin_filt,self.mmax_filt) else: elllabel += r', $m \geq %d$' %self.mmin_filt elif self.mmax_filt < self.lmax: elllabel += r', $m \leq %d$' %self.mmax_filt'Radial magnetic field (%s)' %self.unitlabel,fontsize=25) if proj.lower() != 'hammer' and == 'earth': ax.coastlines() ax.set_title( + radLabel + elllabel,fontsize=25,pad=20) plt.tight_layout()
[docs] def spec(self,r=1.0,iplot=True): """ General plot of Lowes spectrum of a planet at a radial level, scaled to planetary radius. Also computes dipolarity (energy of axial dipole) to total and total dipolarity (dipTot, energy of total dipole to total magnetic energy) Parameters ---------- r : float, optional Radial level scaled to planetary radius, by default 1.0 iplot : bool, optional If True, generates a plot, by default True Returns ------- None """ self.emag_spec, emag_10, self.emag_symm, self.emag_antisymm, self.emag_axi \ = get_spec(self.glm,self.hlm, self.idx,self.lmax, self.mmax,r=r) l = np.arange(self.lmax+1) self.dip_tot = self.emag_spec[1]/sum(self.emag_spec) self.dipolarity = emag_10/sum(self.emag_spec) self.emag_tot = sum(self.emag_spec) if iplot: plt.figure(figsize=(7,7)) plot_spec(l,self.emag_spec,r, plt.tight_layout()