5. Magnetic field models

We have support for different field models for planets. They are listed below:

A list of models and keywords for them can be obtained using the get_models function. For example:

In [1]: from planetmagfields import get_models

In [2]: get_models("jupiter")
Out[2]: array(['jrm09', 'jrm33', 'vip4'], dtype='<U5')

In case of Earth, a special argument year is also used to provide a year between 1900 to present day. This uses the IGRF13 model to compute a linear secular variation and extrapolate to the desired year. For example, the code below

In [1]: from planetmagfields import Planet

In [2]: p = Planet(name='earth',year=2009)
Planet: Earth
Model: igrf13
l_max = 13
Dipole tilt (degrees) = -10.500800
Year = 2009

In [3]: p.plot(r=1)

produces the surface magnetic field in the year 2009.
