.. planetMagFields documentation master file, created by
sphinx-quickstart on Mon Jan 22 08:32:05 2024.
You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
contain the root `toctree` directive.
.. _secproj:
Map projections
By default, the plot function tries to use the Mollweide projection. However, using the power of the `cartopy `_ library, any projection from `this list `_ is supported. In the absence of the cartopy library, the 2D plots fall back to the internally written Hammer projection. Examples of Jupiter's radial magnetic field at r=0.85 with different projections are shown below:
.. code-block:: python
In [1]: from planetmagfields import *
In [2]: p = Planet(name='jupiter',model='jrm09')
Planet: Jupiter
l_max = 10
Dipole tilt (degrees) = 10.307870
In [3]: p.plot(r=0.85)
In [4]: projlist=['Mercator','Robinson','Stereographic','AzimuthalEquidistant']
In [5]: for k,proj in enumerate(projlist):
...: p.plot(r=0.85,proj=proj)
...: savefig('jup_r0_85'+proj+'.png',dpi=150,bbox_inches='tight')
...: close()
``In[3]`` produces the plot of Jupiter's field already shown above. ``In[5]`` produces the following figures with the Mercator, Robinson, Stereographic and azimuthal equidistant projections, respectively.
.. image:: _static/images/proj_examples/jup_r0_85Mercator.png
:width: 45%
.. image:: _static/images/proj_examples/jup_r0_85Robinson.png
:width: 45%
.. image:: _static/images/proj_examples/jup_r0_85Stereographic.png
:width: 45%
.. image:: _static/images/proj_examples/jup_r0_85AzimuthalEquidistant.png
:width: 45%
This also works with the :ref:`magField.py ` script for quick plotting. Examples:
.. code-block:: bash
./magField.py -p earth -r 0.9 -m Robinson
or even with plots of all planets together
.. code-block:: bash
./magField.py -p all -r 0.9 -m Robinson
Note that the projection information is kept out of the plot titles to prevent too much text.
❗ | The Orthographic projection often does not create correct plots, be cautious while using it.